- Not exactly the Hilton, Is It? But It sure beats some of the dumps the Krauts have thrown me and O'Brien In this year. O'Brien's the Irish guy over there. I'm Clancy. Between us we could probably write the guide book on German prison camps. 对希尔顿不完全是,对吧?但是确实是扫除了些这些年来德国佬让我和欧布莱曼所感觉到的忧郁。欧布莱曼是这里唯一的爱尔兰人。我们全部人之中,我们大概可以写一本德国囚犯监狱指南了。
- It is not exactly the storming of the Bastille. 这不全是对巴士底狱的突袭。
- Is it a long way to the Hilton Hotel? 去希尔顿饭店路很远吗?
- It's not exactly fun city here is it? 这里并不是好玩的地方,对吧?
- It's not exactly beautiful, is it? 它并不好看,是吗?
- Dilutions are not exactly the same. 稀释度并不是恰好相同。
- This entry is not exactly the same in two different dictionaries. 这个词条在两本词典中的意思不太一致。
- How is it that your composition is exactly the same with Davy's? “你的作文和戴维的完全一样,这是怎么一回事?”
- You ll see that you are now getting some output, but it is not exactly the same as the output you were getting before. 您将看到,您正在获取一些输出,但它们与您之前获取的输出并不完全相同。
- It was a delicate matter to engineer, and in such matters he was not exactly the soul of tact, but he undertook it. 这办起来是一种细致的事情,他在这些事情上并不是精明的老手;但是他要办。
- That is not exactly the correct answer,but you're on the right track. 那答案并不完全正确,不过你的路子是对的。
- This plan was a biggie, not exactly the sort of project you could do overnight. 这可是个宏大计划,并不是你一两天就能搞起来的那种项目。
- Whether in form or in nature,they are not exactly the same in the latter stage as in the former. 这时的条件和形势,不完全和前一阶段中的条件和形势属于同一形式和同一性质。
- What is the fare to the Hilton,please? 去希尔顿饭店多少?
- Turns out this fellow's name Is Schliemann and he's not exactly the sharpest bayonet In the armoury. 查出他的名字是雪曼,他应该不是军营中最凶狠的角色。
- What you saw is not exactly what it is. 查看完全版本
- There was no beer or food at his place. He's not exactly the host with the most. 他那既没有啤酒也没有食物,他可不是个很好的主人。
- Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting? 我真的必须参加这个会议吗?
- Whether in form or in nature, they are not exactly the same in the latter stage as in the former. 这时的条件和形势,不完全和前一阶段中的条件和形势属于同一形式和同一性质。
- I know he's good-looking, but he's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, is he? 我知道他长得不错,可是人却不是很聪明,对吗?